domenica 28 giugno 2009

When trying to run any generic report delivered with Operations Manager reporting I receive: Cannot initialize report. Value cannot be null.

When trying to run any generic report delivered with Operations Manager reporting I receive: Cannot initialize report. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: GroupList
When trying to run any generic report delivered with Operations Manager reporting I receive: Cannot initialize report. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: GroupList

1) Browse to http://localhost/reports
2) Click on details to show all data-sources and choose “properties” of “Data Warehouse Main”.
3) Change the connection string to be: data source=;initial catalog=OperationsManagerDW;Integrated Security=SSPI
4) Uncheck Credentials supplied by the user running the report and check Credentials not required.
5) Click on apply and re-run the report.

The problem will be fixed

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